Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015 1:30 pm
Happy Memorial
Day to everyone! I am so grateful for those that have put their li ves at risk
and given their lives to secure the freedoms that we take for granted so often.
I hope we all can respect our amazing country and our American Flag which is a
symbol of our freedom. I get emotional every time I hear or sing our National
Anthem because of the great respect I have for the founding fathers of this
country and all those who live up to par with what America really stands for.
Kimberly has been
great this last week! Yesterday for Pday (preparation day), The Bybee family
from here in Kimberly invited us to go mountain biking and exploring in Sun
Valley and Stanley!! We called our Mission President to ask if we could go and
to my surprise he said yes! We left in the morning after our studies and
cleaning. We arrived in Sun Valley around noon biking around town for an hour
or two, then went to Stanley where I got to visit some amazing people that I
met when I served there. Going back to Stanley was a little like going back
home to be honest. I never thought I would be up there again so soon. I love it
so much! My heart was warmed by the sight of the mountains and the association
with the people up there. Sadly some of the stores weren't open for the season
yet so we didn't get Papa Brunee's pizza, but we did however get to go to Red
Fish Lake Resort, the most beautiful place on earth!! I got to see the Clegg
family who I missed a bunch and they are as wonderful as ever, (Shout out and
thanks to them for letting us be at Red Fish Lake as missionaries and providing
us with so much!). I am super serious about wanting to work up there for the
summer of 2016. It's like heaven on earth! Here are some pictures of Stanley!
When we got back
to Kimberly last night we played Ultimate Frisbee, my favorite game of all
time, with one of our wards at a ward Memorial Day Party at the park. I love
the people in Kimberly, they are all so down to earth and kind and loving. On
our walk back home in the evening we walked past a non-denominational youth
pastor's house which is right across the street from us. There were a couple of
young guys our age who came up to talk to us. They were really great guys and
they knew the Bible super well; I was impressed. We discussed seeking and
finding truth, and what the "Gospel of Jesus Christ" really is. After
awhile there was a whole group of young people around us discussing The Word!
To say again, I was very impressed with the knowledge of all of these young men
and women, age s sixteen to twenty-two, and how much truth they were speaking.
The big point where we disagreed was the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
Most of them were trying to prove with verses in the Bible that the Book of
Mormon was false. I asked them "How many of you have actually read and
prayed to know if the Book of Mormon is true?" Only two of them said they
had done it and they didn't mention if they got an answer. We invited and
encouraged them to take the challenge of the Prophet Moroni when he
said " And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you
that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these
things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real
intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by
the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may
know the truth of all things." I know with all of my heart that if we
sincerely ask God after we have read His word if it is true or not, that we
will get an answer. I am amazed at how many people will simply not read The
Book of Mormon just because of the rumors they have heard about it or because
they fear that it is true. If you want to know what it is all about read it for
yourself!!! I Testify that it does contain the true Gospel of Jesus Christ just
as is in the Bible and that The Book of Mormon is True. I only know because I
have read it and prayed about it, and I have received an answer.
I am amazed
by this picture of a church sign because of the truth it actually holds. Even
those people know it!
~ Elder Howard
~ Elder Howard